FTC - Encoder Cables for AndyMark NeveRest Motors
5.5K Views, 19 Favorites
Breaking Chain and Using Master-Links
2.0K Views, 8 Favorites
Bending Plastic at 90 Degree Angles
6.4K Views, 23 Favorites
Removing a Stripped (or Cross-threaded) Screw
13K Views, 11 Favorites
Personal Toolkit
3.0K Views, 14 Favorites
Creating Anti-Static Spray
93K Views, 51 Favorites
Gear Generator to Autodesk Inventor
11K Views, 15 Favorites
Removing Encoders (Video)
4.5K Views, 5 Favorites
Mounting Encoders (Video)
1.2K Views, 6 Favorites
Quick Attach Shields
2.5K Views, 9 Favorites
Don't Transmit Loads Through Axles
1.7K Views, 7 Favorites
Game Analysis
1.7K Views, 8 Favorites
Double Drill Channel
2.5K Views, 5 Favorites
A Heartbeat As a Health Check
1.8K Views, 3 Favorites
Static Electricity Detector
11K Views, 33 Favorites
Autonomous Programming Intro
3.3K Views, 15 Favorites
Samantha Unit Mounting Bracket Assembly
2.6K Views, 7 Favorites
FTC Tetrix Encoders
23K Views, 8 Favorites
FTC Sporadic Encoder Values
5.3K Views, 6 Favorites